Sunday, June 16, 2013

Insomnia - I'll sleep on it....


Another sleepless night last night, which also transposes to a less than fully restful sleep for Mrs. That Dan Guy.

I was flopping around like a mackerel after we went to bed, so I got up to read. Tried getting a little further into the new David Sedaris book, "Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls". So far, I have no earthly idea how he is so popular as a humorist. I have a broad taste in humour, and for the life  of me, reading a humour book should not feel like getting a root canal done by a twitchy, cross-eyed dentist using a melon-baller. This will be the second of his books that I have started, and will likely abandon.

What am I missing???

Well, after a bit of that, I went back to bed. Still, Flip & Flop. Got up again, although I could feel that the Hall Monitor was aware of my movement...

Played a bit of my computer game, and watched the news on CBC's national station. If that doesn't put you to sleep, you've obviously just been injected with adrenaline, and finished your twelfth Red Bull...

Went back to bed. Again, I could actually see the dust on the stipple of our bedroom ceiling. Toss, turn, get back up again.

Long story shorter, it was 3:00 AM before I finally settled in long enough to sleep.

I need to get a handle on this insomnia thing....



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:38 AM

    GOD! Let him sleep! PLEASE!!! This is crazy. Too much on your mind I think Mr. I will konk you over the head tonight, that oughtta do it. Just going to look for my meat tenderizer.....that ought to do it. Or handcuffs. At least you can't get up. Please standby.....

  2. Oooh..handcuffs!!

    Oh my!!
