Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hartford '13 Day Four - The City, The Sights #nsnc13

For all my #nsnc13 friends and colleagues that will begin to arrive over the next few days, the slide show above shows some of the amenities and sites near our conference hotel. 

Hartford is something this time of year - they are having a sweltering heatwave at the moment, with temperatures in the 90's.

Which caused a bit of concern yesterday, when Mrs. That Dan Guy and I went out to see some of those sites. At one point, I looked over, and her ears looked like someone had set them ablaze. I've seen ketchup that was more flesh-coloured than her ears were at that moment...

Trying to steer us to air conditioning and a hospital cot, I delayed pocket-dialing paramedics. We settled into a food court not far from The Hilton, and she slowly regained her natural composition. 

Today, we'll explore some more, but while it is still rather moderate during the morning...

Sadly, there are rain and thunderstorms forecast from Wednesday on, so check your flights, and drive carefully if you are taking the interstate to get here!

Above you'll see pics from Bushnell Park, the riverwalk, Old State House, our hotel and bistro (who am I kidding - check out how SMALL the bar is - do they know this is a newspaper columnist conference??), and more.

Hartford awaits, friends!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy7:44 AM

    Yes, walking for a distance with no water in hand at 95 degree weather will do that Mr. So, my ears were red, what of it? Well, ok, considering I was pouring sweat and finding it a wee difficult to breathe, it was indeed time to sit in air conditioning, down a bottle of water and regain my composure. But, seriously, you are so dramatic! (IE: OMG, your ears were frightening! O brother!).
    A great day though, beautiful sites. And the evening was nice walking around & finishing off in a new little bar by our hotel to watch the final NHL game. Perfect!

  2. RED??

    Crayola has a new name: Ruth's Ears


    Tomatoes are going to boot camps, trying to hit the colour you achieved.......

    (Go Hawks! Team Blake)
