Thursday, June 06, 2013

Climb Every Mountain...

* But only if they are REALLY close by - one should never have to TRAVEL to mountain climb...

* Only if they aren't all that tall. Who's got time to be climbing tall, tall mountains??

* EVERY mountain?? I don't think so. That's just crazy talk. Who could get around to climbing EVERY dog-gone mountain?? Not me....

* If mountains had elevators, that would make climbing a whole heck of a lot easier....

* What's with the silent "b" on "climb"? No wonder kids fail at spelling bees....

* Wait - were we just supposed to climb Every Mountain??



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:04 AM

    I am exhausted just reading about climbing every mountain! But I got a great visual of pushing an elevator button and getting to the top and looking down at all those folks taking days and days to climb! Ha!

  2. That elevator thing would be just the coolest....
