Sunday, May 19, 2013

Getting Back To Normal...

Well, we dropped our niece off at the airport, and now we are slowly starting to get back to normal around here.

First off, Mrs. That Dan Guy can FINALLY get back to practicing her clogging. Even though she only missed a few days, the old legs are clearly labouring this morning...

I am back to my Navy Seal regimen...wait...Navy?? No, sorry, Circus seal - throw me another beach ball...let's play catch!!

While it is always nice to see visiting family, putting up with their quirks can be a challenge. I mean, ask me to pull you finger once, shame on me. Ask me to pull your finger thirty or forty times, I need to start getting more aware of the outcome!!!

Or buy nose plugs...

Good times!



  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:31 AM

    Now, back to my clogging...

  2. Her father is sooo proud....LOL! I have a visual on the Mrs. wearing braids in her hair? weeeeeee

  3. Everyone needs a dream....

  4. Yes - AND lederhosen....
