Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ducks In A Row...

It is kind of exciting to be seeing a few pieces of my life puzzle fall into place. Well, possibly...

I hope I like this new doctor that I will be seeing soon. I will be pitching hard to get referred to an endocrinologist, so as to best manage my diabetes. I'm curious to see what my A1C will look like, as it has been high for a few consecutive periods of testing.

I have a few outstanding interviews to schedule, so once this week is behind me, I will work in earnest to get those done and posted.

And, I hope to take pictures of my potato chip shaped like a duck, and get that posted on eBay. People have made a small fortune with ridiculous items like that available online, so I'm hoping my piece of the American dream might just be in the shape of a duck. For people that have known me a long time, that would be appropriate.

Off and running!



  1. Thanks! My work here is done....

  2. Mrs That Dan Guy12:28 PM

    Wow! I thought you would never part with anything that is or resembles a duck!
    Hmm, Charlie is the next best thing to a it Charlie, you may find yourself being auctioned off on ebay (and not as a hot date)

  3. He's not famous enough yet - we'd lose money!
