Thursday, March 14, 2013

Ugly Coyote?

These things happen here...

We were driving along an industrial road in Calgary, and came across this little feller looking like he had just come through a car wash with the windows rolled down:

A coyote pup separated from his/her family...

Thanks to Mrs. That Dan Guy, we now know how to report a coyote sighting, and we have the number to The Coyote Hotline on a sticky note in our vehicle.

"Hello, Coyote Hotline, how may I direct your call?

Sir, you need to stop growling, and speak clearly...

No, I cannot confirm that the proper way to eat a rabbit is by biting off the ears first..."

Just another day in the Such Is Life household...

Chow for now! 


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:40 AM

    It was amazing to watch this little guy. You could tell he had been through a tough time, looking a little ragged. At one point, he was only a few feet from me. He sat down, looked me right in the eyes (as my head was out of the window of our vehicle!).
    It was his yipping that I heard as we were driving by. He seemed to be yipping for his Mama, but no one came. I hope the little fella finds his way out of the middle of the city and back to some wilderness.

  2. He was looking for the nearest Starbucks....
