Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Post A Title

That is the default suggestion in the New Post Title Box, which does seem to make a lot of sense.

Title suggestions?

"War & Peas"??

"Pride & Pledge It Just"???

It is really meant to be a "grabber", something that lures readers to your site.


"Call Me, May Bea"??

"CSI Oxnard"??

I have been guilty in the past of luring viewers/readers with titles that have nothing to do with whatever I post - my bad!

"Winning Lottery Numbers"??

"An Teak Roads Oh"??

Unlimited Money - Free!!"???

Boy, it is really hard to choose just one....

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:22 AM

    Hmm, how about "Crazy Dude in a House full of Chick....ens"

  2. Yeah, that works.....
