Friday, February 01, 2013

Vote For "Balloon Dan"...

Just for fun, check out the Calgary Herald's Photo Vote:

Balloon Dan

My colleague at work submitted his balloon rendition of my head, and it is actually running on their website!

His own photo, Weird Beird is also up there, so if you like that one more, he still wins as the photos are both his. That whimsical self-portrait dominated the site most of yesterday.

All in good fun, and I have to say, he really captured me with his artwork.

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy10:01 AM

    Pretty good rendering and represents "fun" when I look at it, and that is certainly you! I would vote, but I think it is all about Facebook and Twitter and I dont do either. You have my vote nonetheless.

  2. Aww shucks - thanks :-)
