Sunday, February 17, 2013

"Game Show", Stage West Calgary (review)

"Game Show"
Stage West Calgary
Featuring Richard Karn

(photo courtesy Stage West Calgary)

The Sunday Morning "Somebody-Asked-Me-To, So-Here-I-Go" entertainment review:

"Game Show", at Stage West Calgary...


A production at Stage West Calgary where I cannot proclaim "best musical EVER!".

This non-musical comedy however certainly hit several high notes during the course of just over 90 brisk, funny minutes. 

Billed as "The Comedy YOU Play", several fortunate audience members had the chance to step onstage and become part of the proceedings. While the play itself had some great laughs already written in, the wild cards from the audience added another dimension altogether. It's pretty safe to say that many of them had no hope of winning the trivia contest with the answers they were providing host Troy Richards (played by actor and former host of "Family Feud" Richard Karn).

Mr. Karn eased into his role as host of this fictional TV game show easily. Smooth, confident and capable, he bantered with the audience contestants, and managed to parry back with terrific jokes as he went along contestant row. No question, he earns his keep as the star of this show. 

However, the balance of the cast helps handily in making the rest of the show run smoothly. In addition to the TV show taping, there is skullduggery afoot as conniving colleagues coordinate a casting coup.

 Chantal Perron plays show producer Ellen Ryan, in need of restorative lip balm as much as a moral compass while she schemes to replace Troy, and ignite her own ascent up the network ladder. She's...


You know, I can only spoil the fun if I give too much away here. The element of surprise isn't listed in the credits, but it is a crucial part of the proceedings.

I'll post a link here once my official Calgary Herald review link is live, but in the meantime, check out the feature interview that already appeared there:

and check out the video link in the feature, or click here

For my money, Game Show (running currently at Stage West Calgary) is a hearty 4 out of 5 stars...


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy11:20 AM

    Yessir! I thoroughly enjoyed Game Show. It felt like you really were at a live taping for a real game show. Funny as heck with a great story line. And I agree, Richard Karn was the PERFECT choice to play the game show host. I loved it!

  2. It was a hoot (although technically, i did refrain from hooting...)
