Monday, January 21, 2013

Running Late...

My humble apologies, failed to get to this in my typical timely way.

I know you're probably wringing your hands in anguish, hanging on the line wherever you may be hanging.

Or, in the real world, you may just be thinking "oh crap, he didn't finally stop doing these posts..."

Funny trying to get on public wi-fi for this - but should be back online soon, so you can rest assured this drivel will be back online in as timely a manner as I am able to provide.

No thanks are needed...

Chow for now!
- Posted using BlogPress - too lazy to start my laptop...


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:39 AM

    Yes, I waited and waited and hung on and hung on....sigh....
    So, how was your public wi-fi experiment? Will you be giving up your internet service?

  2. At least the one we currently have...
