Wednesday, January 09, 2013

My Friend Charlie

I noticed in the stats this morning that I had a big spike in my site views here yesterday.

Knowing that I've admittedly (and obviously) been "coasting" the last few days, I was puzzled - until I clicked on the Posts tab, and discovered that my weekend guest blogger was the reason for my page views jumping well over quadruple. For a rubber chicken, he can be awfully agile when it comes to leaping over all my other topics.

Second place was the link to a new, combined podcast version of my Stage West Calgary cast interview, for current production Two Hit Wonders. Again, no surprise there - always lots of traffic for those features.

However, something for me to consider - a troublesome, misbehaving bird gets more interest than real people.

Does he need his own blog? His own Twitter?

His own book???

Makes me think.....

Chow for now! - And no matter why you stop by here, much thanks! Keep coming back!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:52 AM

    Yes, Charlie needs his own blog!
    Yes, Charlie needs his own twitter!
    Yes, Charlie needs his own book!
    Yes, Charlie needs his own tv show!
    Yes, sadly, Charlie is a star! (Ugh! It was painful to state that you know)

  2. Great!

    Get on that, willya????
