Thursday, January 24, 2013

Getting Closer...

Well, I don't know if this recent partial week of digital holiday helped my decision requirements all that much, aside from discovering public wi-fi for connecting without my regular methods.

I have to make a decision in a few days about a new cell provider, or see if I'll just stay with my current one. I think Mrs. That Dan Guy will finally get rid of her personal cell, so there may be some consolidation there.

Public wi-fi is OK, but not practical in the long run for consistent connection. I did manage to stay online a fair degree the last few days, albeit irregular hours.

Some Imodium has settled that down nicely...

One way or another, change I think is closer than ever!!

Chow for now!

- Posted using BlogPress - too lazy to start my laptop...


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:43 AM

    Oh yay, can't wait to make the rounds with the various providers to see who Mr That Dan Guy ends up choosing...always a favorite thing.....sigh.....
    PS Given the times you were discovering public wi-fi, it appears you must have been going out for lunch a lot! Hmm?
