Saturday, January 05, 2013

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger, actor (uncredited, extra, cameo...) Charlie Chicken...)

Howdy, Cluckers!

Yeah, Ole Charlie in yet another starrin' role - in tha latest Muppets movie. I didn't get a scene with tha guy frum How I Met You, Mutha, but Fozzie wuz still pretty cool.


Altho, in this pic, we weren't actin' - FYU, don't mess with Fozzie's honey....


Yeah, I like ta get these ohkayshunal roles in flickers, justa help keep me in tha lifestyle I've grown akkustumed to. 

Pretty much squattin' in a hooman household, foragin' fer booze when they're out...


Now, pleeze excuse me, I gotta go preepair fer ma next oddition. I'm hopin' ta get in either a new Will Ferrell movie, or one a them cookin' films - like Tha Bourne Leg-a-Cee...


Cluck fer now....


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:41 AM

    What? Um, excuse me Mr. Chicken! These roles to help keep you in the lifestyle for which you have become accustomed to? Whatever , bird! You pretty much just arrived here one day and have hung around putting your beak into everyone's business, partying, sleeping in, eating human are exhausting and I am pretty sure this is why Fozzie was choking you!

  2. I actually see a little love in those eyes...
