Monday, January 28, 2013

And So It Begins...

Hello, Monday....

Ugh - how did the weekend manage to give me the slip again?? Aren't there supposed to be two FULL days in between Friday and Monday??

Alas, I must return to my week, far from the tranquility of reclining in my hammock, chilled beverage in hand, cigar trailing smoke off into the sky.

Yeah, I live in Canada - that doesn't even happen in summer...

Back to work it is!

Let's do this, Work Week!

Chow for now...

- Posted using BlogPress - too lazy to start my laptop...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy7:06 AM

    Well, now look who paints a great picture? sounded good, real good.
    Sorry I cant join you in your work journey today, hoping to nurse this 2-day headache away....have a great day Mr.

  2. Sickie...

    Literally, not figuratively...
