Monday, December 24, 2012

North Pole Property For Sale!

OK, yes - you have caught me...

I am indeed recycling a post from earlier this month - a link to my national humour column:

North Pole Feature Sheet (Things Have Gone To Elf)

But only because it had a lot of interest, and I thought it was worth pitching it past one more time.

As atonement, I will also submit (OK, re-submit) ANOTHER holiday column:

Santa's Blog

Now, what the heck will I do TOMORROW morning?

Oh well, at least I've dodged it for today :-)

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy10:09 AM

    Both excellent holiday columns! Your most recent is through the roof in popularity. Not surprised, I loved it. Merry, merry!

  2. Thank you, kind stranger....
