Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's That Time Of The Year Again!

Hello Folks!

Yes, it's me again - the Christmas Feather Wreath!

Feels like it's been forever since I've had a chance to hang around the Such Is Life household, but I'm finally back up, dusted off, and glowing like a feathery ring of seasonal goodness!!

I know there's been controversy in the past, as I am both an acquired taste, and an expensive one. And I also shed like a summer dandelion when I'm moulting...

That said I do bring such a smile to the face of Mrs. That Dan Guy - she sure does love me!!


As for Mr. That Dan Guy - I could stand to do without:

* His extended blasts from the blow dryer when no one is around,

* The slide show of plucked birds he leaves on replay,

* His ad on Kijiji for feather replacement therapy for balding birds...

My job is simply to stay on this door and look majestic. That's what I'm going to do until the time comes to pack me away for another year!

Despite an occasional hostile attempt on my life.....

Ho Ho Feathery Ho!!!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy7:01 AM

    Ya whatever dude! That is an old pic from our old house, who knows where the hell that wreath is stuffed into. Somewhere in the 100s of boxes that have never been unpacked.
    The feather wreath has been packed for 2 years, probably all flat or broken now....ah well, it had it's day.
