Saturday, December 29, 2012

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend guest blogger Charlie Chicken..)

Wut does chickens dream about??

Well, I foun a pitcher on tha innernet that juss happens ta bee sumthin' ah DID dream about once - although wut wuz chasin' me looked more like a blond dog with hip dis-plashia, an a insayshuble appetite fer chicken...


Ah also dreams uv gettin' fed chicken feed by hens in togas, an on one o-kayshun, ah dreamt of a white Christmas - but that one stopped recently...


Oh, ah kin dreem ov all sortsa things. Racin' cars, boxin' with ellyfants, makin' the Top Five on Amerikin EyeDoll - all stuff that could happen in real life, ah suppose.

Ah also dreems uv havin' this shack ta mahself one day - instead uv havin' ta tiptoe aroun hoomans.

Sometimes one hostile hooman...


Don't think ah had a dreem lass night, although sumtimes ah don't always remember them. 

One time ah did dreem ah was flyin' in an errorplane - turns out ah wuz bein' hucked outta tha bathroom - again, them hostile hoomans...

Cluck fer now....


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:44 AM

    Oh brother Charlie! Well, I hope the picture you posted is ONE dream that comes TRUE for you! As for havin this shack ta yurself one day? DREAM ON little chicken, DREAM ON!

  2. You are shameless, sister!

  3. Mrs. That Dan Guy10:14 AM

    What? I'm shameless??!!! Excuse me, don't you think you should get your chicken in order before pointing fingers at your innocent wife?

  4. oh my!

    I will definitely try to "get my chicken in order"....

  5. Oh Dear.....
