Monday, November 05, 2012

Run On Almond Milk??

Hey Canada - what's up with the stockpiling of almond milk?

Since we've switched away from traditional diary milk after getting introduced to the almond version, we are noticing that while the shelves are often full full full of dairy milk, the almond variety has been sold out in every store we visit.

Are people getting nervous (especially here in Canada) after so many problems with cows and tainted products? I have to say, the almond milk is really great, and much better for me as a "person with diabetes".

It's an interesting trend. We had to go to FOUR different grocers before we finally found some last week. We are now hopped up on almond milk, and curious to know why it is selling out everywhere???



Chow for now!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy10:57 AM

    Interesting indeed! I placed a call to Sherlock Holmes. Still waiting for a call back.

  2. Should have called someone with a Movember milk moustache...
