Monday, November 12, 2012

One Onion

We have bought an onion. Perhaps the first-ever onion to penetrate the shields installed in the Such Is Life household. It is a monumental thing, to say the least...

We have bought this single, solitary onion in anticipation of a family member arriving later this week, who might care for an onion - perhaps after dinner, or while relaxing in our guest bedroom late at night.

Frankly, we have no idea what to do with an onion. Niether of us care for them, so we have no idea - do you bake them? Do you fry them??

Does one bob for onions???

It is sitting outside in the garage for now. We didn't want to contaminate our own food supply - I mean come on, what did apples ever do to deserve rooming with an onion??

Even out there, the pungent aroma is seeping into my motor oil and windshield washer fluid. Better to replace those items than have to buy a new refrigerator, I reckon...

Well, I had better peel away from this post, and go Googler "Onions" to see what we might be expected to do with this thing. I've heard they make people cry when they are being cut. It's certainly made us a little unhappy just knowing it's out there in the cold garage, but we are trying to be the bigger people here.

We want to be know as gracious hosts, after all :-)

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:38 AM

    AN ONION?! In the Such is Life household? OMG! What is she going to do with an onion? I hope you have a hotplate she can cook on outside in the garage?

  2. You COOK them??

    Who knew??????

  3. This visitor is obviously not from our side of the family!!! What is she thinking?

  4. She will be taking that damned thing with her when she goes!!
