Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Things That Postal Workers MAY Be Thinking...

* "Plain brown wrapper? Who are these people kidding?? SEX TOYS!!!"

* "Hello, no need to calm down...yessir, just a little bit closer and I'll see how well this Tazer works..."

* "Jeez, I've got more corns than an Idaho field..."

* "Wow, everybody DOES know my name! Hey there Normie!!"

* "Great! Like the chaffing wasn't bad enough, NOW I got hemorrhoids??"

* "I swear officer, when I said I was gonna "go postal" I meant I had to get to work..."

* "Uhh, I dunno boss - I know we have to deliver bills and collection notices, but I don't think I can actually threaten to make someone "sleep with the fishes"..."

* "Do these knee-highs make my calves look fat?"

* "Unit 215, Unit 251 - close enough!"

* "Huh. Apartment building garbage disposal chutes DO look like mailboxes..."

* "I thought women LOVED men in uniforms??"



Chow for now...


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:31 AM

    Good one! Too funny! And as to your last point, ya, women DO love men in uniform. Ya just can't have a uniform WITH knee highs? It's like wearing half a uniform! And well......THEY'RE KNEE HIGHS!

  2. It was the probably the knee-high pantyhose that blew the deal...

    So, so comfy....
