Sunday, September 30, 2012

KnuckleHead Of The Week

Hey, how about a new feature here at the Such Is Life blog?

A reader participation post, where I ask about suggestions for the KnuckleHead Of The Week.

Maybe it's any other driver on the roads other than yourself? Perhaps it's a co-worker??

It could even be a fast food restaurant worker that botches your order, or a retail store clerk that appears to have gone into rigor mortis during a particularly long lineup. 

I really have no criteria here - or standards for that matter. If you come across a complete knucklehead in the course of your day that you truly believe needs to be "outed" - leave a response in the comments section. 

We'll see where this goes - or if any of you knuckleheads even participate :-)

Love Ya!!

Chow for now...


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy9:51 AM

    My Knucklehead of this past week (have to leave room for a knucklehead of this week, because there is bound to be one every week) is the grocery store clerk who insisted the reason why the self-serve checkout was beeping is we did not ring in 1 item. We said "we did, it showed up as charged". She didnt believe us, checked it anyways, and said "Oh, you did ring it in. I guess just put it in a bag maybe?" Thanks clerk! Thanks for accusing us of stealing, then lying, then being so helpful in shrugging your shoulders and saying "Oh, I dont know". Stellar service, thank you!

  2. THAT was a true Knucklehead - good choice!
