Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Breathless Anticipation

Can't wait to hear what Apple is about to roll out today - there's even speculation abounding that the latest i-phone will debut!

Not that I really have a chance to take advantage of whatever miracle they lay upon the display table - I'm still on a 3S phone!! With a rotary dial...

I just tend to enjoy my time on the bandwagon is all, especially when it's the Apple bandwagon. For the non-hypnotized (Windows weirdos), when you open Safari after a product launch in the Apple world, it automatically showcases the latest and greatest. I will lovingly gaze upon whatever it happens to be, and then surf away to something less exotic - like how to reattach a toe after dropping a meat cleaver on it.

Just in case it ever happens to me...


Chow for now!


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy11:24 AM

    Such drama! It's JUST A PHONE! Sheesh.

  2. JUST a phone - it is to laugh, oh unwashed one....
