Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear?

Seriously. Why do birds have to come out of virtually nowhere all the time??

Damn things are freaky, man. One minute, no birds, the next - boom! Right there!!

The worst case ever was golfing years ago in Kelowna. I had hit my ball close to a little marsh full of bullrushes. As I approached, some manic bird with delusions of grandeur started dive-bombing me - all I saw were flashes of black feathers, beak and angry talons! Or claws - whatever...

I had to drop a new ball, as the looney twit-head wouldn't back down. I imagine he or she must have had a nest in there, but still - I've never recovered. If I would have been holding a tennis racket instead of a golf club, that scenario would have played out a lot differently...

Unlike Dr Doolittle (Mrs. That Dan Guy) who has chatted with bluebirds on the deck in the past, I can stand to do without winged psychos, thank you very much...

Chow  for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy6:36 AM

    OH brother! Delusions of grandeur? Are you sure you are talking about the bird?! Sheesh! And yes, that's right, I HAVE spoke with a bluebird on the deck before, as in 2 inches from my coffee cup! Not that anyone (Mr. That Dan Guy) found that at all interesting! Hey, watch out Mr. I see a flurry of feathers, beaks, and talons dive-bombing towards you right now, aaaaaaahh, look out!

  2. That bluebird must have been vision-impaired, and thought he was standing on a branch...

  3. Mrs. That Dan Guy7:08 AM

    Whatever, I think he knew full well he was in the presence of Dr. Doolittle!
    Thank you!

  4. He was probably drunk as a skunk, and thought he was in a bird bath...
