Friday, August 03, 2012

I'm A Wreck....

Fruck me - I'm a freakin' disaster!!!

Battling a brutal sinus infection that thus far has proven resistant to every painkiller from ibuprofen to a few "somewhat past-their-best-before date" Tylenol 3. I've irrigated my nasal passages more than the Suez Canal. The right side of my face feels like I've been kicked by a mule.

Overall, pretty tolerable....

My dang foot has been howling, thanks to the blasted Plantar Fasciitis. I don't get my orthotics for another week or so, and needed to try and relieve the pain - so I picked up a pair of Birkenstock sandals - which have really made a difference at least for the short term.

One the negative side, my hunchback shuffle is a little less authentic...

Man, I'm a wreck - somebody stick a fork in me - it wouldn't make things any worse!!


Chow for now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:33 AM

    Ah yes, he no sleep, me no sleep...Not good that nothing is touching that pain Mr. I think you have tried everything possible, but it may just take time for those antibiotics to do their thing..I hope you get relief soon, wish I could take it away for you.

  2. Deborah Greaves9:16 AM

    I agree with the person who suggested accupuncture.
    When two sets of antibiotics failed to cure a leg infection she got from a deep dog bite ( NOT any of OUR dogs, but one tied outside Science World in Vancouver !) my mother turned to accupuncture, and lo and behold the bite began to heal. Hope it's all over soon !

  3. If you were wart, you'd be a worry wart.

    So much for our long weekend :-(

  4. Thanks!

    Just frustrating this had to happen right for the long weekend. But yes, I am a big advocate of acupuncture, that got me through a pinched nerve in my neck...
