Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Don't Ask Me To Bring Home Eggs...

Confirmed yesterday that I gave my vehicle a $200.00 car wash on the weekend. You might expect that included detailing and a candlelight meal at a fine restaurant. No, it included somehow wrenching my tire against an abutment causing a tear in the sidewall, which couldn't be repaired. So, I must now drive on a donut spare tire until I get that sorted out.

In other news, I have a used lucky rabbit's foot for sale....

Chow for now!


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I hate donuts!

  2. Considering how much I've been able to drive on it so far, I am impressed. Won't be if it goes flat before I pick up my repaired tire today :-0

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy8:26 AM

    Our SUV has taken a beating lately Mr. 2 smooshed car doors, now a flat tire, oh my! I would like to point out I was not the driver at either event, thank you!
