Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back To The Drawing Board...

I tried to get a little fancy yesterday in an author interview. We decided to try recording it outdoors on a lovely patio with a view of wonderful landscaping - kind of like Kelly Ripa from "Live With Kelly & Whoever" does every once in a while.

I'm not Kelly Ripa - nor do I have her budget. My gear picked up wind sounds like we were racing through tunnels on a highway. We could hear every car in the neighbourhood as they roared by. And one bird hoping for his big break in show business made so much noise you could barely hear our own conversation.

Needless to say, we have rescheduled the interview, and I return later this morning to give it another go.

This will be a series of interviews once it has been edited. She is a new author with the prestigious Hay House roster of experts that help you live a better life.

I live a better life when my recordings are useable - but I am chomping at the bit to give this one another go!

Chow for now...


  1. Mrs. That Dan Guy8:24 AM

    Birds rule baby! The second time is the charm! Good luck, looking forward to hearing it.

  2. I like my birds with coating or BBQ sauce...

  3. Mrs. That Dan Guy7:55 AM

    I am telling Charlie!
