Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stuffed Mountie

Check out THIS stiff! Just goes to show how low the standards were back in the day for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police...

Actually, I had a chance to try on the familiar Canadian police uniform at Fort Calgary last night, while attending a diabetes-related Stampede dinner. They didn't have one in Size Husky, so I had to suck in my gut and stretch the jacket as far as it could (allowing certain laws of physics) before the shot was taken. I'm afraid I don't quite cut the image of a studly Dudley Do-Right. I look more like an obese Caucasian Michael Jackson wannabe, wearing the wrong style of hat.

I'd have maybe tried a signature MJ crotch pull, but my blazer buttons might have propelled off like a bazooka blast, and wounded the photographer...

Funny, I did have an overwhelming urge to rescue a damsel in distress tied up on a railroad track somewhere, but Fort Calgary has air conditioning, and I didn't want to leave the comfort of the building. Hope the damsel managed to work her own way out of the...distress...

Chow for now!


  1. A man in a uniform is always handsome...perhaps even to unrescued damsels in distress??

  2. I suppose - although if the damsel were flattened by a steam train she might be less inclined to bat her eyelashes...

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy7:07 AM

    Hello? Anyone??? Dudley? Damn! It's tough being a damsel in distress when your Dudley LOVES being in air conditioning! (Even though he DOES look quite distinguished...handsome fella!)

  4. Why, thang Q!

    Sorry, have to faint - this freakin' heat!!
