Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shy Roofers

Not sure why, but after dreading the commencement of the re-roofing of our townhouse complex for a few days now - nothing has happened yet!

Sure, the shingles are up there on the roof, perched precariously - perhaps to flatten something passing by during a gust of wind. There's materials on the lawn, crushing the life out of it as I type this.

There's a giant garbage bin where my car should be parked, sitting empty. Except for bags of garbage from idiots too lazy to walk over to the garbage shed.

And yesterday morning, as we were leaving for work, the roofers themselves were milling about, in the shadow of the precarious perch of piled pingles...sorry, shingles.

Yet still no roofing to be be seen.

Well, soon enough. We shall enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts...in no time at all, the hammers will be flying.

I hope not literally...

Chow for now!


  1. Piles of pingles and persistent pounding as I type this. Dumpster now dumped in. You won't recognize the place when you return. They have been at it for an hour and a half now. Birds are now quiet. Perhaps they flew the coop. They were traumatized earlier.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As were the original pingles, I imagine...
