Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Fourth Of July!

Well, to all my American colleagues, a sincere wish for a happy Fourth Of July, however you choose to celebrate it.

Be that while dressed as one of The Muppets...

Be that while trying out a new male perm that you treated yourself to...

Be that while crawling under your house to try removing a raccoon...

Be that while lying on a sunny beach, quietly plotting to head into the water to have a pee..

Be that while trying to remember who was the 27th President - pretty sure it wasn't Washington...

Be that while trying to find your flag, and then remembering you used it to cover your lettuce when there was a frost warning...

Be that while you're a total geek, you can't really pledge allegiance to defrag...

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy6:41 AM

    Ah, remembering when......we celebrated the 4th of July in Boston?! What a great time! Happy 4th of July America!

  2. Esplanade!!

