Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Getting Ready For Learnings!

I've got to wrap up any pending items at work today, in preparation for a three-day conference I'm attending Thursday to Saturday with a work colleague here in Calgary.

"Vitalize 2012" is a conference for people in an array of professional roles, but I suppose it's aimed primarily at workers in the non-profit, voluntary sector - where I now work in my day job. I love this kind of thing, and you always walk away with something. Even if it is just extra butter patties from one of the luncheons...

And now you know what I'll be blogging about over the next few days!

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy6:43 AM

    Ya, lucky you! It should be great, looks like quite a lineup! Enjoy!

  2. You'll be blogging about the "freebies" that you can get at events such as these?

  3. All work, no play makes for a dull Blogman...


  4. Oh yeah!

    I read in the program about a swag-bag we get upon arrival!!



    Fridge Magnets!!!!

  5. Mrs That Dan Guy8:18 AM

    How perfect for the king of pens! Watch your pens folks, he will snap them up!

  6. Whatever are you suggesting??

    I know not of what you speaketh!

  7. Mrs That Dan Guy6:43 AM

    From the plethora of pens that came out of your goodie bag when you got home last night, I think you know all too well what I speaketh!

  8. Busted....................
