Friday, June 01, 2012

And now, ladies and gentlemen - The Weekend!

It is Friday. Perhaps I had more pressing matters to discuss, but for now, all I can think of is the end of the work week. My day job work week. We certainly have more than enough projects to keep us busy, and I have PLENTY of overdue writing projects.

So, just a break from the everyday. Not a break from work-a-day.

Chow for now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:33 AM

    Ya, no matter what even if working on "other" projects, a Friday still feels good doesnt it?

  2. Sure does - cigar, glass of wine, underwear - I really should have followed your lead...

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy9:47 AM

    Ya! Heyyyy, wait a minute?!

  4. You looked soooooo comfortable!
