Friday, May 18, 2012

Those Relentless Elevens...

And the photo above, snapped during the early part of a recent episode of "Touch" is why we LOOOOVE the show. It almost always speaks to the numbers we can't seem to escape.

Thankfully it has been renewed for another season. The episode this picture was grabbed from was exceptional.

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:59 AM

    Every episode is exceptional! That show is absolutely mind-blowing! You just know every show that all the stories will somehow be connected, but when they finally do connect, you never saw it coming. This is some of the best writing on TV in a long, long time! It better stand up to the dumb-asp reality shows out there. If it gets cancelled I just may give up TV altogether.

  2. At least with our current provider!

