Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunny Day. Sunny, Sunny Day...

That's all I've got, really.

It is sunny and lovely outside today.

And, as everyone knows, the sun is not actually a giant LED light created by GE - it is a fiery ball of skin-crispening radiation that will eventually consume the Earth and most of our galaxy in a fiery inferno of armageddon.

Before that happens though, I might take a walk...

Chow for now!


  1. You watching the eclipse at the moment?

  2. Sadly, no. But Ruthie did - she was at work at the Science Centre....

    I wanted to peek tho...

  3. Mrs That Dan Guy9:52 AM

    Very beautiful! Had a couple of hundred folks out for the event, 9 telescopes with solar filters, eclipse glasses, kids and adults alike left in awe! Beautiful! (But a long, 12-hour shift while sick....not so beautiful)
