Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Platters/The Inkspots

The Platters
The Inkspots
Stoney Nakoda Resort

The Sunday Morning "What-The-Heck-Were-We-Doing-In-Stoney-Nakoda" Entertainment Review:

The Platters, with The Inkspots

As these things typically happen for us, our lives intersected with a delightful event last night - as we were in the audience for a performance by The Platters (pictured above) and The Inkspots (2nd pic).

Stoney Nakoda Resort is yet another of Alberta's Stage West Hospitality properties, and the house was packed for these two legendary groups - young and old alike I should mention. At one point a young couple in their twenties were grinning ear to ear after meeting members of one of the bands, and I noticed a CD in one of their hands. Both of these groups had their biggest successes back in the FORTIES(!) and 1950's - but so many of each of their catalogues continue to get airplay and are often rerecorded by contemporary artists. Enduring music acts to say the least!

Of course, if any of the original members were or are still alive, they'd be in their mid-hundreds - so both of these groups are composed of newer singers committed to keeping the sounds of these artists alive - and as I mentioned earlier - to an entirely appreciative audience. 

The Inkspots for example - lush vocals, wonderful audience interaction, and without a doubt true to the spirit of the original act. I can't say whether or not they were one of the first recording acts to have spoken portions in their songs, but it was truly cool to see that in action last night. Slick in fact. They also catered to a wider age group with some interesting covers - one with a vocalist walking through the audience without a microphone, yet still heard throughout the showroom, belting out Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock N Roll"...

Both The Inkspots and The Platters stretched their wings with songs that showed off their vocal skill sets, but the hoots and cheers logically followed with each of the monster hits the groups are best known for. For The Platters, those vocals - man, I wish I could show a little bit of the (teensy) video I shot from my phone.

Well, why not?

Oh yeah - the copyright disclaimer - well, maybe another time. Let me assure you though, the vocals were absolutely pristine. 

In a couple of poignant moments unrelated to the songs themselves, members of both bands confided recent losses of their mothers. This just before today - where we would typically say something like:

"Happy Mother's Day"

Chow for now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy12:02 PM

    Ah, what a great, great show! The vocals were unbelievable, I never stopped moving in my seat! A wonderful evening for sure!

  2. Ants in your pants?
