Thursday, April 12, 2012

One thing I can tell you, that Mrs. That Dan Guy is one crafty individual. Not crafty like Martha Stewart "I-just-made-clothes-hangers-from-recycled-bicycle-spokes", just crafty in a "I-have-ways-to-avoid-getting-ready-in-the-morning" way.

Right now, she is looking a newspaper flyers, when she really should be zipping around, jumping in the shower, getting ready, or enhancing her state of awareness in preparation of the day.

None of that looks likely at this particular moment...

Can you say "SpongeBath ScaryPants"??

Chow for now...


  1. Speaking of newspaper flyers...I see one rolled up, flying in your direction as Mrs. TDG reads this.

  2. Mrs That Dan Guy10:26 AM

    Hey, how did Suzanne know a newspaper connected with your head?! Yup! Did it ever! WHACK!
