Monday, April 30, 2012


The other night, I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed, turned, and got back up several times throughout a completely sleepless evening - driving Mrs. That Dan Guy nuts along the way...

The second time I got back up to watch some TV and read, I heard a rustling in the bed upstairs, before the pitter patter of sleepy feet coming down the stairs with a purpose. As in - "get your ass back into bed RIGHT NOW!"

Could not - even though I tried. More tossing and turning, and natural gas - which I eventually got up again to release and relieve.

At one point, I finally put my head down on the sofa downstairs, but just as I was drifting off - it sounded like someone was trying to break in through our patio door. Half-heartedly...

Without turning on any lights, I tiptoed to the door to look outside, but couldn't see a thing. I did hear a couple of stupid birds making a ruckus - early birds? Frigging dumb-ass birds that should have still been sleeping themselves.

How do we get the rowdy members of the animal kingdom as neighbours???

Bah Humbug!

Chow for now....


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy6:29 AM

    I think you imagined those unruly birds! Caw caw!

  2. Blair7:38 PM

    Perhaps Charlie was sneaking out for a smoke?

  3. Pretty sure one of them had a "crow" bar...

  4. Yeah, with a few beers in him, that would be Charlie all right - finesse-less!

  5. Birds holding a caw-cus on your patio??
