Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I Recommend It

After alternately dreading, then just wanting to get it over with - I have to admit my first colonoscopy went pretty well.

Sure, there were moments - check out my Sunday Twitter feed for the prep day "reactions" prior to the actual procedure. But overall it was swift, and a polyp was removed - so as long as that tests negative, I'll be a happy camper. My low risk puts me on the calendar to return in five years. My low memory ensures I'll go through the same state of advance dread, before I resign myself to getting the Christopher Columbus with a bad GPS adventure out of the way at that time.

Highly recommend it - a nice sense of relief now that everything looks good...

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:13 AM

    Well now that is a stretch...recommend it? I would say "don't fear it" but really? Highly recommended? Huh! Well, actually I take that back. Given it is the best test of all tests for preventative measures, yes, recommend it! PS I think your appetite has returned! Oye yoye!

  2. ..and the ensuing afte effects of said appetite.

  3. Oh yeah - "Stand back, stand back..."
