Saturday, April 28, 2012

Chicken Scratch

Chicken Scratch

(posted by weekend connoisseur Charles D. Chicken, Esquire...)

Classy, wot?


Yea, I's test-drivin' sum more soafistikated looks fer me, an this feels like a great fit. Works fer Hugh...


Might hafta find a smaller pipe tho - ma beak is starting ta curve like a waywerd toe-nail!

Hey, speakin' a toe-nails, Cream a Brokkoly soup tastes a lot like toe-nail...


Of course, I gotta think uv a stratogy fer where ta smoke this stoopid thing - damn Communist country we live in prohibittz me from smokin' where I wanna - don't they still give out cigars ta newborns??


Hmmm - ma throat's a lil scritchy taday. I think I need ta guzzle a wee breakfast brewski - try and clear that up!

Cluck fer now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:55 AM

    Once unsophisticated, always unsophisticated!
    Dumb-asp chicken!
    Careful that pipe don't break that beak of yours Charles!

  2. I heard him singing something about being "strong to the finish, when I eats me spinach"

