Monday, February 06, 2012

My last day of freedom, before returning to the workforce. I will use it wisely, if I can just find a place that still houses pinball machines, acne and root beer.

Hey, we have freshly fallen snow on the ground this morning! Not much, but still a reminder that we ain't outta the woods yet for winter. How we even ended up in the woods in the first place is beyond me...

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:18 AM

    Enjoy your day Mr.! Tomorrow is an all new adventure! You will do great! Like old times!

  2. back to work? What have you been doing these past 5 or 6 years anyway?

    Surely you jest

  3. ..and I won't call you Surely again.

  4. Living off my fat of the land?

    Enjoying the benefits of a sugar momma?

    Surviving by my street smarts??

    Anyway - all now irrelevant. I am officially an employee of The Canadian Diabetes Association, for which I have been a volunteer since 2007.

  5. Well, at least it wasn't Shirley. Or late for supper...
