Friday, January 20, 2012

Sitting beside an old woman this morning....
Hey, the cold snap that has gripped Calgary for the last week is finally dissipating! It’s not quite balmy yet, but temperatures will rise throughout the day and overnight, until they are in the + range. Above zero!! How un-Canadian is that??

Controversial (ie: funny) comic Gilbert Gottfried is here in town for a couple of shows. We saw him many years ago in Winnipeg - I’ve never seen Mrs. That Dan Guy laugh so hard - I thought she was going to exfoliate. Man, he is hilarious. He did the weather on a morning news show yesterday, and had me cracking up. Of course, it is cold and dry here, so that could have played a role as well...

Finally, I must report that MTDG is sadly addicted. Hooked. She’s got a monkey on her back. Damn i-Pod...Cursed Hell’s Kitchen app...

Chow for now.


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy8:44 AM

    A) I have a MUCH older man sitting beside me this AM
    B) You just jealous that I have mastered Hell's Kitchen while you are still in "dishwashing" Hell.

    Thank you

    PS Oh ya, Gilbert practically killed me! I couldnt breathe I laughed so hard. Funny guy!

  2. Dear Queen for the Day (Mrs. TDG),

    Off with his head, I say! Hope you had a great one.


  3. Am I your Sugar Daddy, or is that just glaze from the doughnuts on my cheeks???

  4. Sheesh - Girl Power, just pokin' a little fun is all...

  5. Mrs That Dan Guy9:02 AM

    Poke away Sugar Daddy, poke away! (Well after you finish your glazed donut!)

  6. Oh my!!

    See ya latta, donut!!!
