Monday, December 12, 2011

There are two schools of thought. One is that as North Americans, we have celebrated Christmas for decades, and we should be able to continue that tradition unhindered, without having to do so in deep, darkened basements, so as not to offend new arrivals to our shores, and/or non-believers.
The second is that we should be politically correct and sensitive, celebrating a generic, non-Christian “holiday” season - so as not to risk offending the aforementioned groups. Said groups of course which arrive on our shores with all their traditions intact, including questionable, often heinous practices that we are sending our troops (not at all ironically) over to THEIR shores, to try and rescue them from enduring barbaric traditions and practices.
It is both a hoot, and a holler.
All this to introduce my latest column, now online - offering new songs for the winter “season”. Heaven forbid it might be Christmas songs...
Chow for now...


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy10:00 AM

    Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! (There, I said it!) Co-incidentally we have no decorations up and I am working all through Christmas at one or two of my humbug! PS Great column though! Those song titles make me laugh out loud!
