Monday, December 26, 2011

I am informed that I had forgotten to blog today. This apparently is entirely true.

I was tied up in a little pre-New Year expunging (not THAT sort of expunging, Mrs. That Dan Guy!). As a umm...avid...collector, I tend to accrue. Books, magazines, albums.

Newspapers, clippings, flyers - anything that might one day prove useful and/or profitable. Today, I am expunging what (after a dozen or more years of herding around from province to province) I deem now to not be profitable. Magazines that have shuttered, newspaper articles on computer operating systems long defunct - vital information at the time, but seeing s how it is unlikely I will return to Windows '95...


It is a tiresome task, let me tell you - hundreds of issues of Book, a supplement to the Globe & Mail. I was sure that one day I would find these invaluable. Now, I find them to be hernia inducers. Begone, Book - to the recycling bin we shall go!

Well, I think this qualifies as a blog post. So there...

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy2:27 PM

    Well, well, well! Miracles never cease! I can't wait to get home and see this wondrous act! Mr. That Dan Guy? Expunging? I dont believe it! It may take a while sometimes, almost a quarter of a century in fact, but never give up people, because bam! He just may surprise you :)

  2. I threw out an old elastic band, and some dried-out Scotch tape...
