Friday, November 04, 2011

If We Didn’t Have Bad Luck....

You know you’re courting the dark forces of the universe when every single thing you do seems to go sideways. Into oncoming traffic. Under falling satellite debris. Into a giant pile of beetle-infested elephant dung...

One little recent splurge was an inexpensive electric toothbrush I picked up for Mrs. That Dan Guy, who was beginning to have some minor swelling of her gums. OK, technically ballooning. I picked her up a Colgate Motion at Wal-Mart.

Yesterday, while watching the morning news before driving her to work, there was a feature on the Colgate Motion - and the recall due to “explosions”.

Hee Hee Hee...”explosions”...

Talk about making your mouth pop with freshness!!

Needless to say, once I’ve removed the Colgate Motion from a place where the sun don’t shine, I will be taking advantage of their generous recall offer.

Please, Colgate Motion - don’t explode yet!!

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy12:06 PM

    Ah yes, super, just super! Really universe, I would prefer an explosion of vast delights in some other manner please. Thank you.
