Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Hmm. 11 01 11 - A plethora of my recurring 11’s!!

Now, where my windfall at??? Bueller???

Oh well, onward and backwards...

So, I could go for the easy targets today - like certain “celebrities” in the news, but really, aside from most of the world, who really cares?

I choose to talk today about something far more important, intricate, and with far more depth than the latest faux celebrity-du-jour: my left index fingernail.

I’ve got this odd nail development going on, which could be because I have to wear so many bandages to cover the cracks I seem to keep getting from “the heartbreak of psoriasis”. I’m not sure if it’s a cuticle, or a fingernail tip - it’s the part at the very end, which is clearer than the rest. Or maybe the rest doesn’t seem to be very clear because there’s finger underneath it.

Still with me? My humble apologies...really, this is as earth-shattering as all the talk shows and news channels that are wasting energy and inflated opinions on a 72-day marriage...

Anyhow, I believe I will trim this unseemly nail, so that it matches the others. I wouldn’t want to offend a cashier somewhere.

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:23 AM

    Yes, your fingernail blathering is exactly the point! It is as interesting, if not more, than the blathering, bumbling idiots who are taking over the networks and god forbid, the top news stories. I should have been a mean, crude, dumb person, it would have made me wealthy, super wealthy! Sigh...what has become of this world?

  2. Let's go evil, baby!

    Good guys do finish last - cherchez les pitbulls!!
