Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wow! Today in history was REALLY boring!

I did a search (today in history) on Google, and the results were rather uninspiring. The only real item of note was that classic novelist Jonathan Swift (Gulliver’s Travels) passed away. There was something about that elephant rider Hannibal, but by then I was way too bored to read what happened to him. Probably pulled a muscle cleaning up elephant dung...

Here’s what I think may have happened on this day in history:

Oct 19, 1988 - Boy George is shunned by his band-mates in Culture Club, for mixing lavender eye-liner with a teal scarf. Their popularity never recovered.

Oct 19, 2006 - I misplaced a Sticky Note, with a brilliant idea about investing in Apple with the income from selling one of my collectible chocolate bar wrappers. Couldn’t bear parting with the wrapper, and eventually forgot the whole plan, when the Sticky Note vanished.

Oct 19, 515 AD - People wearing animal pelts gathered around a campfire, bemoaning the fact that Wal-Mart had yet to be invented. Falling prices were sadly still many centuries away...

Oct 19, 2011 - I woke up, and Googled “this day in history”. Unimpressed with search results. Ate donut to soften my anguish.

Well, it ain’t much -  but still way better than what I actually found.

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy12:53 PM

    I will note this in my calendar for next year: Oct 19 - Bound to be boring! (Thanks for the heads up)

  2. Slooooow history day - nowhere near as exciting as the 20th...
