Monday, October 10, 2011

I swear that technology has made my demise a personal goal.

The Twitter to Facebook app apparently isn’t working today. I’ve also spent days trying to finish my latest audio interview editing, only to have the software repeatedly crash. Even though I am terrified to load data onto the Mac in case THAT hard drive crashes again, I will have to bite the bullet and do it anyhow.

Bottom line - Part Two of my Gordon Kirkland interview is now (finally) online. Just scroll back up to that photo montage above, and click on the link - you can click on the little “Podcast” icon, the “Direct Download” link at the very bottom - or just subscribe for free in i-Tunes (thatdanguy’s Podcast).

Whatever floats your boat. Mine would have to be a birch bark canoe, with nothing technological of any sort....

Chow for now!!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:19 AM

    I listened to the Part 2 Gordon Kirkland interview, it was fantastic! I had really enjoyed part 1 and was anxious to hear part 2 and it did not disappoint! Very interesting!

    PS My boat would be a cruiseship, ALSO with no technology of any sort for the Mr. to be bothered with!

  2. Sigh - the only cruise we're taking anytime soon is up the creek, without a paddle....
