Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happily, I am much pleased (Very pleased? Quite pleased? Is pleased even necessary, after I started with “happily”??) to say that it appears I have NOT had a recurrence of my skin cancer. More happily to my dermatologist regarding the irritation where the sun don’t shine, he took my word for it, and didn’t directly inspect the area.

However, he has a plan - I am going to participate in Patching. That is a one-week test where small strips (or patches - that might have something to do with the name of the procedure) are installed on my hairy back, hairy back, hairy back. For that entire week I will be unable to shower, which is a walk in the park - sometimes I can go two full weeks! Am I right, MTDG??

After the week, they will see what I may be reacting to - it could even be that the very creams and concoctions that I am prescribed for the heartbreak of psoriasis are what may be aggravating it even more.

If only beer ingested orally was the answer!!

Onward, and upward...

Cow for now.


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy9:39 AM

    Pleased indeed, very pleased from me too Mister! YAY :)

    I will skip past the reference (yet again) to "where the sun dont shine" .....and go straight to the hairy back part.....I think they will be shaving you for the test Mr. Yup! Pretty sure....and that will become ITCHY as heck! Oh joy!

    1 week with no shower? Oh my! Well, we DO have an extra bed ya know. Just saying!

    Glad to hear this Dr. is at least trying to figure this out for you..hopefully some great discovery will come of it!

    Up, up and away!

  2. Best news in a long while!

    Think of the $$ you will save on water in the next week. There is always a silver lining, right?

  3. A drop of water, rolling down my hairy back hairy back hairy back, would eventually settle where the sun don't shine.

  4. I'm all for saving water.

    Good news indeed!!
