Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stage West Calgary
"Shady Business" review

Shady Business is unrelenting fun at Stage West

Don't forget to check out my (free) audio interview with star Scott Valentine - either click on the photo montage above, or subscribe for free in i-Tunes (thatdanguy's podcast).

Chow for now...


  1. Sarah8:01 AM

    Excellent review, I think I will take at look at Stage West Calgary, your reviews are always great and this one has intrigued me.

  2. Mrs That Dan Guy11:08 AM

    Great review Mister That Dan Guy! It was an awesome show! And your audio interview was FANTASTIC! Scott Valentine seems like an energetic and very nice man with great advice!

  3. You won't be sorry Sarah!

    It's an enjoyable night out....

    PS - bring a large purse - they pretty much leave the crab legs unprotected!!

  4. Why thank you, MTDG - and where might one find that interview with actor Scott Valentine??

  5. Mrs That Dan Guy7:21 AM

    Why just click on your lovely montage above, or go to itunes at thatdanguys podcast and download and enjoy for FREE :)
