Saturday, September 03, 2011

Stage West Calgary
Shady Business
Scott Valentine

The Saturday Morning “Somebody-Asked-Me-To, So-Here-I-Go” Entertainment Review: Stage West Calgary’s production of
Shady Business”…

This is going to be a tough one. For once, I really have no idea how I’m going to make two entirely different reviews – the one for this space, and then another (more professional, far more detailed, less use of “I looooved that chewy fish stuff in the buffet…”).

You see a farce, unlike a musical, depends on the element of surprise to succeed. If I told you about all the exceptional plot twists and turns that build to an entirely unexpected conclusion in this terrific production, it would spoil the outing completely. Aside from that really tasty chewy fish dish…

So, let me just stick to a few basic facts – even though this is not a musical, there is not a sour note to be heard from start to finish. For that matter, there is no one particular stand-out member of the cast, as each character does a wonderful job in the role assigned. Almost everyone of them gets a chance to showcase as well, which was nicely thought out by the playwright (Robin Hawdon).

I suppose much of this can be blamed (or credited, is that a better way to phrase a compliment?) on first-time director J. Sean Elliott, who is well familiar with the concept of farce, appearing here at the recent Stage West production of “Move Over Mrs. Markham”, another well-pace, well-played…umm, play.

NOTE: Shameless Plug Alert – you can hear Mr. Elliott talk about that farce and much more from our audio interview in my archives, at:  Scroll, down, it’s near the top…

Back to “Shady Business” – I wish I could expand on the mistaken identity bits, the creative fast-talking that the various cast members utilize to sidestep each new hurdle that arises in their deceptions, and the surprises that you really don’t see coming until it all wraps up. Kudos to casting, as star Scott Valentine is surrounded by actors that make the whole effort believable and enjoyable.

I purposely will not mention actor Sheldon Bergstrom here yet again, almost stealing the scene during what amounts to the highest stakes game of Charades you will ever see, never once even saying a word himself. I’ve commented on that gentleman far too often as it is…

Shady Business” – once it all starts to fall together, the fun is relentless!

As soon as my official “Calgary Herald” review is available as an online link, I will post it here, and then later this weekend I have the pleasure of sitting down to interview Mr. Valentine – so come back for that link as well!  

Chow for now!


  1. Mrs That Dan Guy11:14 AM

    It sure did have awesome and unexpected twists! Hilarious! The show seemed like it was 5 minutes though! You get so engrossed in the story you cant believe it is over. A really great time!

  2. Thang Q for your kind comments, stranger...
