Wednesday, September 07, 2011

I haven’t had a chance to play around with it yet, but I keep getting a pop-up about the “New, improved” user interface here at Blogger.

“New, improved” typically means “more confusing”, “familiarity completely removed”, and “new, imps moved everything”....

I can’t wait to take the time to switch over, and try to find everything that was already so nicely set up, and easy to use.

Technology has clearly ordered a hit on my mental well-being...

Chow for now!!


  1. I'm with ya, bro! I made the switch two days ago and I am not really loving it yet.

  2. Mrs That Dan Guy9:54 PM

    OMG! What next hey?! Life, it sucks, it just sucks, with or without technology baby!

  3. That's all I need to know! I'll switch over when it gets to the newest, improvedest version......
